David Bowie and Iman: Alexandria Zahra Jones

David Bowie, a British glam-rock singer, was regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. His experimental, unpredictable, and eccentric approach to his career made his impact even more remarkable. Bowie created an alter-ego and named him Ziggy Stardust, a character with bright red mullet and a signature red lightning flash painted on his face. He was not the first to develop an alter-ego, but Ziggy Stardust was the first fully realized personality created by a musician, making him unforgettable.

The legendary musician married Iman, a famous supermodel, in 1992 and gave birth to their only daughter, Alexandria “Lexi” Zahra Jones. Now 20 years old, Lexi had taken the road less traveled and decided to stay out of the limelight. She has an Instagram account, and she shows her interest in art. Lexi and her mother have matching tattoos to commemorate her father’s second death anniversary. Her tattoo is a detailed crescent moon beside the words ‘Daddy xx 1947-2016’ while Iman’s tattoo is a dagger emblazoned with her husband’s name on her ankle. It is indeed a meaningful investment.
