Stephen Curry: Riley Curry


Stephen Curry has a family full of sports enthusiasts. His younger brother Seth also plays professional basketball, while his younger sister is trying out the volleyball route while still at University. The basketball legend is also a star among women and has an excellent fan base. When crows cheer, the word “Curry” is often heard amidst all names, all thanks to his good looks and charisma.  This charm is what made Ayesha Alexander fall in love with him. The pair got married in 2011 and then had two children, Riley and Ryan.


Like Stephen, Riley has already shown some charm even at a young age. She is only eight now, but she is already capable of stealing the limelight from her father, as seen in one of the conferences. Riley can also dance, a talent that could come in handy should the little Curry decide to join Hollywood. It is still early to say, but should she pursue a career in the entertainment industry; we predict a great degree of success.
