Bette Midler: Sophie Von Haselberg


Next up, we have the noble men and women hailing from the Von Haselberg family of Germany. Bette Midler and Martin von Haselberg are members of the Haselberg clan, a German noble family, and the aristocratic Guinness line.  Bette, who was working on various films in the mid-1980s, fell in love with Martin and married him in 1984. Two years after the marriage, Sophie was born.


The young actress was known for starring in the film Irrational Man. As a child, several people noticed a striking resemblance between her and her mother, Bette. While the latter was known for being both a singer and an actress, Sophie focused more on acting. In a way, she followed her mother’s footsteps, and we can only that she gets the same degree of success. She recently married and might focus on her family for a little while, but Bette would undoubtedly give her full support when she decides to do more projects.
