Oscar Pistorius who is also known as the Blade Runner is a six-time Paralympic gold medallist making Olympic history in the 2012 Summer Olympics which was held in London. He won the sprint competition marking the 400m semi-final round. However, no matter the consideration of what a champ he is, the unfortunate murder of his model and actress girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, was something to matter much more. The brutal murder of the model which was poorly defended by Pistorius and his lawyer has initially issued a verdict of manslaughter but was later reversed by a higher court to murder and sentenced him to jail time of six years instead.


Following the release of a very controversial video, NFL The Baltimore Ravens player, Ray Rice was immediately cut off the team. The said the video showed how he violently handled his then-fiancée, Janay Palmer who still, in the end, married Rice. However, due to such violent act displayed by him, his NFL team did not anymore take him back so he made the bold move with the help of his lawyer in filing a legal suit against the team for wrongful termination and won at least $27 million for the remaining part of his $40 million, five-year contract. Since then, however, Rice was not able to bounce back in sports.


Isaiah Washington was a major character as Dr. Preston Burke in Grey’s Anatomy. However, due to his lack of better judgment of calling his co-star, T.R. Knight a faggot and repeated the same sentiment when reporters asked him at the Golden Globes backstage about the leaked argument with Patrick Dempsey. Despite airing out a public apology, such an act did not turn around the show producer’s decision of cutting him out of the popular TV series. In 2013, Washington admitted to his mistake that cost him his career and financial security. According to him, it eventually led to his bankruptcy as he couldn’t anymore afford an agency and publicist to fix things up for him.


Even though she was highly recognized when she was awarded by an Academy Award for her powerful performance in Precious, Mo’Nique was not able to push through the path of becoming Hollywood’s A-lister. In fact, it took another five years for the actress to win another role which was with the indie film, Blackbird. Reports have it straight from Mo’Nique about how Daniels revealed that it was her husband’s salary demands that caused producers to blackball her. However, instead, she accused Daniels of pulling her down and dragged Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey to also conspire against her. We guess, no lawyer could really fix and win her case with this allegation she has put out there.


Australian DJ Mel Greig was caught off guard by a prank call which went wrong and caused her career to go down. The prank had her to pose as Queen Elizabeth calling the hospital where Kate Middleton was having medical treatment. So when Nurse Jacintha Saldanha, an actual nurse in the hospital took the call and was fooled to give away confidential details about Kate’s condition, it led to the nurse’s suicide leaving a note that the Radio Australians Mel Greig and Michael Christian are to be taken responsible for this act. After their suspension, their show was also canceled affecting the station’s credit score to drop.


Hayden Christensen became a regular in the Star Wars Trilogy: Episodes 1-3 and due to his close association with the franchise, it has done him much harm as people have left his other movies with equally showcased acting skills down the drain. As a result, investment in such films also flopped so much so that having Christensen in the movie became very bad for business. So Christensen decided to take a break from the limelight, got married, raised a family working his farm. In 2015, he made a comeback, but just the same it movie didn’t turn out as well as his Star Wars did.


American Pie 1999 to 2012 actor and comedian, Seann William Scott became best known only for his credit role as Steve Stifler in this hilarious film series. Scott got typecast into this role for so long fans found it hard to relate to him with his other roles. According to him, there were other movies he’s done that just passed by and failed to establish for him a growing fan base. So the actor instead tried his luck in voice acting to avoid getting himself in money trouble and into loans he wouldn’t be able to pay. Lo and behold, success came to him once again in this field when his voice starred in four Ice Age movies.


Tobey Maguire was the awkward and emotional Peter Parker in Spider-Man 3 and was still favored by Sony to be the lead on the sequel of the movie he was still up to produce. However, because of dir. Sam Raimi failed to put together a script as quickly as he could before Maguire turn 35, Sony’s interest has shifted to yet another rising star, Andrew Garfield. As a result, Maguire turned to produce movies which at his first two attempts acclaimed good reviews and produced revenue as well. But the succeeding ones didn’t go well and so has put his investments on the line.


Vince Vaughn has been one of the Hollywood actors to have produced movies that became box office hits, such as 2003, Old School and 2005 movie, Wedding Crashers. He thought he had everything figured out as far as his career is going by retaining his cocky guy image. As a result, Hollywood kept casting him on films of a lesser caliber such as Four Christmases, and 2009’s, Couples Retreat. These movies became quite a turndown for his talents which eventually affected his marketability. Currently, Vaughn seemed to be putting on investment on himself and rebranding his image to get on a better spot in the industry.


Jay Mohr is an American comedian and radio host who was one of the 90s most prominent figures due to his Saturday Night Live stint as well as his highly regarded performance in the movies, Jerry Maguire and Picture Perfect. However, on his first credit role on Fox’s comedy, Action, despite his steady fan base, turned out to be a disaster proven by the show’s ratings, his sitcom, Gary Unmarried, after the first fail, was no better. To preserve his name, he stayed clear of acting and instead dug on hosting to as to be sure he to keep his credit score managed.
