Morton David Alpern, better known as Marty Allen, was one of the best comedians in the industry. Once dubbed as “The Darling of Daytime TV,” Marty provided laughter and good times to viewers by starring in shows like The Last of the Secret Agents. He also worked in various fields, such as nightclubs, TV, and eventually managed to make his way onto the silver screen. Allen had also been known for other services, such as visiting military hospitals and providing a huge morale boost to the brave troops.

Aside from working as an actor, he also dedicated his life to philanthropy. He worked together with many health associations and insurance companies to improve the overall health status of the people. Some of the most notable organizations he got involved with are The American Cancer Society, The March of Dimes, Fight for Sight, The Heart Fund, and The Epilepsy Foundation, where he served as a board member. Unfortunately, this man with a golden heart passed away at the age of 95, and the cause was complications from pneumonia.
