The actor and director Bill Paxton was one of the hottest actors during the ’80s and ’90s. Bill Paxton has played a variety of roles, from character to leader, with his rich and unique Texan voice and persona. He appeared in movies such as The Terminator and a minor role in Streets of Fire. He worked double-time and earned the respect of his peers. Just after a few months, his investments paid off, and he got a significant support part for the film Weird Science and the classic tragic movie Twister.

He also worked as a director of various short films, including Barnes & Barnes’s Fish Heads. Since he was young, he was plagued with health issues, specifically the damaged heart valve that gave him a rheumatic fever during his younger days. At the age of 61, Paxton passed away because of a stroke after going through an open heart surgery 11 days before his death.
