Holly Lewis was born on December 26, 1965, on The Big Island of Nebraska. Holly Lewis’ name might not appear in major films and TV show credits anymore, but she’s undoubtedly one of the talented individuals that ever stepped foot in Hollywood. After pursuing a degree in Arts at Arizona University, she quickly made her way towards the mainstream media and became a successful endorser of many products. She also worked as an artist in various plays and produced several films, including the 2004 film Oscar.

In her spare time, Holly likes to walk and climb mountains. She climbed twelve of Southern California’s 13 highest peaks, including Mount Whitney, the highest in 48 states. However, it all came into an end when her camp publicly announced that Holly passed away on June 22, 2012, in her home located in Murdock, Nebraska. They didn’t provide any details about the cause of her death, but she would surely be missed.
