Leonard Nimoy became one of the iconic stars in Hollywood history because of his role as Mr. Spock in the Star Trek franchise. Aside from his famous acting works, he also became an accomplished director, author, photographer, and singer during his career.  Mr. Nimoy is also an active supporter of the arts. Thalia, an old movie theater on Manhattan’s Upper West End, is now part of the symphony space.

At some point in his life, he also engaged himself in educating young folks around him. He even got an MA degree at Antioch College! In 2014, the famous actor revealed to his fans that he had a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which he got from smoking. A year later, reports surfaced that he fell into a coma and eventually lost the battle because of the complications he got from his health condition. With the approval of his family, Leonard’s story lives as part of a reminder from the activities of former smokers.
