Carrie Fisher- Diet

The late Carrie Fisher played one of the most iconic roles in the history of Hollywood. She started playing Princess Leia when she was just 19 years old and admitted that the part made her slim down before the filming began. She made investments in herself, which is why she was hired to play the Star Wars character.

Talking about the audition process, she said people behind the film only wanted to hire a part of her and not her entire being. She believed they only required “three fourths” of her, so she had to get rid of the “fourth” somehow. History once again repeated itself as Carrie was obliged to reduce her weight by about 35 lbs. She was set to reprise her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. There was no secret on how to shed weight, and the only solution is proper diet and exercise.
