Mila Kunis- Diet and Exercise

Mila Kunis always takes her preparation for a role to higher levels. When she signed up to play her part in Black Swan, she had no idea that she needed to drop more weight. Given her small frame, she still needed to shed off 20 pounds more. True to her word, she was able to do it. Mila reportedly weighed 95 pounds during the shoot. Her dedication was her investment, and it was absolutely rewarded with a high net worth and an excellent score.

As opposed to her preparations for her role, she toned her body in preparation for another film called Friends With Benefits, which was released in 2011. She reportedly did Pilates and yoga despite being pregnant. She even recommended yoga as the perfect workout for pregnant women. As part of her fitness routine, Mila does not only work out but is also reportedly active in outdoor activities like jet skiing and surfboarding.
