Chaz Bono- Diet and Exercise

Chaz Bono hit the headlines over the years because of his gender realignment surgery. The former obese dancer gave the credit for his weight loss to diet, exercise, and surgery. Not only that, but he also joined Dancing with the Stars and nailed his performances on the show. Chaz is determined that he would never go back to his past weight. He makes sure he eats healthy food and regularly works out.

He embarked on his journey of reducing his weight way back in 2012 and plans to decrease his weight by 80 pounds. According to him, avoiding foods with starches, sugars, and grains attributed to his weight loss journey, and instead, he eats fruits, vegetables, and meat. A couple of his workouts are dance classes and martial arts. For him, diet does not work if you want to further lose your weight, and eating habits must be changed permanently for the better.
