The actor Jon Voight has been working in the entertainment industry since the 60s. He also earned a lot of awards and accolades during his successful run. Among the many titles he’s had an acting credit for include Midnight Cowboy, Deliverance, Coming Home, The Rainmaker, and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, where he starred as the onscreen father of his real-life daughter, Angelina Jolie.

Outside of acting, Voight also found success in other business ventures, including his fast-food chain, perfume brand, and very own fashion line. Since then, he accumulated a huge boost to his total net worth to the point where he can buy all the luxury this world can offer. With the fortune he has accumulated over the years, Jon Voight got himself a Lexus RX that is worth $50K. The price for the gorgeous car seems to be a bargain compared to other vehicles within the same ranks.
