Mary Tyler Moore

What else would Mary Tyler Moore be famous for other than The Mary Tyler Moore Show? The actress turned producer was a memorable face during the 1960’s with thanks to her appearance in many popular shows. She was also in The Dick Van Dyke Show, further adding to her widespread popularity. Sadly, she passed away in 2017 because of a cardiopulmonary arrest. Even before her passing, she has experienced health problems such as diabetes, heart and kidney problems. In her remaining years, however, she spent her investment money to raise funds and awareness of diabetes and later became the International Chairman of JDFR.

She has also supported causes related to history. In 1995, she helped fund the establishment of the a center for Civil War studies for Shepherd College, which later became known as the George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War, named after her great-great-great grandfather. The actress also helped finance the renovation of a historic house that once served as headquarters by Confederate Major General Stonewall Jackson.
